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Saturday, August 9, 2014


Welcome to my blog.

If you don't already know me, I am the author of "Real Women Don't Do Housework" originally published as a website in 1998 on Geocities but now available as a book:

Although many people recommended it over the years, I never formally published a blog although I did publish short articles on my website. I have decided to launch this blog to have a place to share random thoughts. I resisted writing a blog because I didn't want to set up the expectation that I would publish frequently and I still have no plans to do so. So don't be surprised to find no new content for months or years.

The book is obviously a good place to start but I have also created a couple slideshare presentations:

The first is a series of testimonials from wives and husbands, an inspiring introduction. The second is a bullet-point outline of the opening concepts and general idea, a more rational introduction. You might find these useful for sharing with others you think need my book.

Finally, you can 'friend' me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. But don't expect too much there either.

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