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Saturday, August 9, 2014


What do I do?

I coach wives on how to use their natural feminine advantages with their husbands to reinvigorate their marriages, offload work, and ultimately ascend to become the head of the household. In short, to do as I have done. (That is either nothing new, as old as womankind. Or an unprecedented radicalization of marriage. Take your pick.)

Who needs my book? I usually think in terms of these three audiences:
  • Wives unhappy with their marriage, especially those considering divorce.
  • Working wives with stay-at-home husbands.
  • Ambitious young women pursuing a career.
The first is my bread-and-butter audience. Virtually all of the wives I have coached fall into this category. Sadly, it is a very big category. Often I am challenged to explain myself, why I advocate such a radical reordering of marriage. In many if not most cases, it is to avoid divorce.

The second category is becoming much more common. Typically both spouses work but then the husband gets laid off and cannot find another job with a comparable salary. Should he retire? No! He should become a homemaker. But this does not come naturally to men so a little influence from you can make things go much smoother.

Then too there are the situations where the wife is outearning the husband and, for one reason or another, decides he should quit his job and become a househusband. That was my situation. Here, especially, the wife needs to influence the transition and assuage his ego.

Finally, there is a growing number of ambitious young women today who mistakenly believe that they are not suited to marriage and childbearing. Too often such women seek out men who are as, or more, successful. The more successful the women, the fewer available men. Hence, they often remain single and frustrated. Marrying down, marrying a man who is suited to nothing more than making a home, is, by comparison, a much more realistic option.

Maybe you know someone in one of the above situations who could benefit from reading my book. You might send then directly there or to one of my slide presentations.

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