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The Book


Real Women Don't Do Housework

A Step by Step Guide to Becoming a Female Head of Household

by Fumika Misato

This work began with a crisis in my own marriage as I describe in the preface. As I gained confidence in our evolving marital arrangement, I began searching for similar marriages and theories that might explain what we were experiencing. But I found nothing more than what can charitably be described as prurient material catering to male fetish in non-marital situations. And so, in 1998, I published the first version of RWDDH on Geocities with what was then a unique focus on wife-led marriage. As a result of publishing my own experience with marriage transformation I began hearing from other wives who wanted to do the same.

You would think that a deviation from traditional norms (both patriarchy and egalitarianism) that produced such consistently good results (passionate marriages) would attract some level of attention from marriage counselors and psychologists if only out of curiosity. But their response has been disappointing. None, to my knowledge, have explored this new direction; none has published formally on it. And so, the theories I’ve offered, inadequate as they may be, remain the only explanation for the success I’ve seen.

Today, the terms “wife-led marriage” (WLM) and “female led relationship” (FLR) are gaining some popular traction. Many other writers have ventured into the field on the web and print, some copying my work literally, others borrowing and building on my original ideas, directly or indirectly.

But altogether it remains an obscure topic. Even today most women are sadly ignorant of this option in marriage and, as a result, divorce rates remain stubbornly high. Worse, some of the most intelligent and ambitious young women mistakenly believe that they are not suited to marriage and childbearing because it has never occurred to them to take a husband as a homemaker.

This book represents my magnum opus. But there is much work yet to be done. 



  1. Control the money! Husband gets no credit cards, no checks and no allowance. Husband wants something, you buy it, if you want. If you give him some cash for a specific purchase, he brings back the change and the receipt. After that is established any controls can added easily. Like keeping his car keys in your purse. I recommend not giving him a chore list, instead direct him to do each chore at the time you want it done. When you control the money it is easy to reward him with something he wants. It doesn't have to be a big thing. for instance, a simple bottle of beer that he can't get himself will become a much appreciated reward. If you control the finances then you are head of the house.

