Now there are a number of presuppositions behind that research conclusion. Let's take a moment to unpack them.
First, women are attracted to men according to their economic status. All else being equal, a man with a job, or good job prospects if still in school, is more attractive than a man without either. A man with a salaried job is more attractive than a man working for minimum wage. A musician, a movie star, a wealthy businessman, or a powerful politician is the most attractive man of all.
Second, this economic attraction is relative not only among men but between men and women. Nothing much has changed among men in the last couple decades. The changes have been with women. Specifically, women are more educated and successful than ever before in human history. Women are not marrying because they find that they have surpassed so many potential mates in education and in the workplace and they find them less attractive for marriage.
Third, men are contributing to this as well. Men do not find educated and successful women more attractive. At least, they don't weigh these factors as highly as women do. In spite of decades of feminist browbeating, men are, for the most part, still picking out potential mates the way they always have: according to their physical beauty and personality. Only after these do men rank women according to their education and success. But even there the tendency for men is to exclude from marital consideration women who are more educated and successful than they are.
Fourth, men still prefer women who have not had many prior sexual partners. If, during your pursuit of education and your advance in the workplace, you have gone through a series of sexual relationships, no matter how serious and genuine, men are going to find you less attractive.
If you don't change something then your chances of marrying will be significantly reduced. You will be at risk of joining the growing ranks of women who never find a husband.
Of course, the natural response to this situation is to compromise. If you can't find your ideal husband then you will have to settle for something less. Sadly, too women are making the wrong compromises or, worse, leading lives of denial well past their marriage years.
The first thing you should realize is that time is not your friend. Unlike men, women do not benefit by waiting to get married. The things you gain, education and success in the workplace, are not valued and the things you lose, youth and beauty, are. Additionally, the longer you wait, the greater the chance that you will not have children even if you do get married. So while you should not rush into marriage with the first available man you meet, you should be looking with an intent to marry and selecting dates on that basis.
Beyond that, you will face some hard choices.
One option is to give up your career and higher standard of living to marry a man and live on the level of income that he can provide. That might make for a romantic novel but it's not especially appealing to most educated women.
Another option is to look for a husband who is comfortable earning less than you do. To make for a successful marriage he will need to bring something more to the table than his sperm. A man who is good with children, for example, might be able to spend that extra time with them that allows you to pursue your career.
Another option is to find a slightly younger husband who is awed by you. There will be at least a hint of a mother-child relationship in this marriage so be certain that he respects his mother.
Another option is to find a man whose work is so different that you and he are less tempted to make economic comparisons. For example, if you hold a professional position in medicine or law and he does physical labor, such as construction or works in a field for which economics is not the measure, such as art or political activism, then he can be confident in his role even when he is earning less than you do.
Of course, you should be looking for all the things you would if you were marrying up but in particular, avoid men with fragile egos. Even if he seems confident around you while you are dating, his economic inferiority will grate on him until, eventually, he harms the marriage, himself, or even you. Watch how he treats you and others when he is embarrassed. Don't be afraid to test his reaction to embarrassing situations.
Look, instead, for men with a good sense of humor and genuine humility. You are looking for a man who will be comfortable in a marriage where he is the economically inferior partner. Look for a man who is not afraid to make a fool of himself or to be made the fool by others.
Look at his male friends and how he interacts with them. Are they married or dating seriously? Are they respectful of women? Does he feel the need to justify himself to them?
Look at his female friends. Does he have any? Are they respectable women? Are they strong and confident around him?
This brings us to the reality of a marriage where the wife outearns the husband. These marriages suffer a high rate of divorce. But these statistics include marriages where the husband initially outearned the wife but fell behind either due to her success or to his misfortune. When the couple is not expecting this outcome it can come as a shock and destabilize the relationship.
But even a married couple that is initially satisfied with a more economically successful wife might be destabilized when children come. At this time, the wife feels the urge to focus on the children and the husband to provide for the family. The wife may come to resent the husband who cannot provide or the husband may lose respect for himself if he cannot and turn to distractions like alcohol or worse. So it is not enough to plan for the marriage, you must also plan for the children.
Finally, if your income is sufficient to support a household, then you should look for a man who is comfortable with the idea of becoming a househusband. You can't always take people at their word, but if you ask directly if this is something that he would consider because this is so counter to social expectations, it is unlikely that he would lie and say 'yes'. So ask before you marry.
If you use your time dating to set expectations and then use the honeymoon period of your marriage to establish your position as the head of the household and become proficient with your erotic power then, when the children come, you will be better prepared to deal with the challenges that you face.
Marrying down is not easy. But given recent trends it is that or the life of a spinster for the vast majority of educated and successful women.
Very interesting. This is something that I've given a lot if thought to recently. The education gap between men and women seems, if anything, to be increasing year on year. Though we are still very much living in a 'man's world', and women at present still face bias and discrimination, notably in terms of the pay gap, I don't think folks quite grasp how the disparity between young women and young men's education will chanhe things up in the long term. The old school boys club that still makes the rules in business, politics, will be retiring within the next 25 years and the majority of the next generation who will step up to replace them will be women. Within our lifetime, we'll see the balance of power between the genders shift dramatically. And as you note, there are numerous difficulties that this shift will bring to bear on relationships.
ReplyDeleteI think we currently have our head in the sand on this, as it's such a paradigm shift that it makes both sexes uncomfortable, but really we should begin to address it. I think we need to promote the concept of the stay-at-home dad / househusband more. Really, I think this should be the great sex symbol, masculine role model of our age.
This situation is being drive by the kind of long-term trends that make it easy to predict a future where women will consistently outperform men across the board, except for a small number of "elite" roles (politicians and CEOs) that are reserved for men with strongly dominant personality types that compensate for their other weaknesses. Patriarchy is a shrinking island of the ultra-rich. The poor are increasingly in a world where everyone is in bad shape, but women at least have better education and social skills than men -- and the sort of jobs that exist are increasingly better suited to women.
ReplyDeleteThe solution is pretty obvious, but seems impossible to achieve due to historical prejudices. In centuries past, men specialized in hard labor (outside the home) and women in light labor and child care (inside the home). Today, there's little heavy labor that can't be handled by automation, and children are delayed until later in life, if at all. The number of children per family has dropped by a factor of three over the last few centuries, and so has the need for childcare.
So now we have a mixture of light manual labor (at home and in lower-paying jobs that require physical strength) and full-time work that revolves around intellectual and social skills. Men are going to be much better off specializing in low-skill work and housework. Women are better suited to higher-paying jobs outside the home.
But overwhelmingly, the cultural bias is against that solution. Men feel unsexy when they can't bring home the paycheck. And women strongly prefer rich men who can provide for them. That constantly reinforces the tendency of "unsuccessful" men (who might make great househusbands but are just not well educated) to simply drop out of the economy entirely, and to avoid marriage. Women, meanwhile, fight over the ever-shrinking pool of high-income and well-educated men. And it's hard to blame them -- most of the other men have poor self-esteem, hate being forced into low-status "beta male" roles that seem to reduce male sex appeal, and would rather just support themselves and have lives of private sexual fantasy that don't involve the pressure of living up to some woman's expectations.
I feel doubly lucky that I both (1) have a wife who accepts me in a service role at home without making me feel like I'm not as talented as a real (read: female) homemaker, and (2) have a good enough paying job that she still can look up to me as a paycheck earner. But lots of men aren't in the same situation. I don't know how to solve this problem. Men need to learn new ways to "win" the mating game that revolve around being useful members of the household (which would mean being culturally valued for submissive domestic service roles instead of just for being dominant "alpha males"), and women need to do a better job of rewarding men for learning this lesson. I have low confidence in both most men, who are much too proud and selfish, and many young women, who want to have their cake (as independent educated career women) and eat it too (by scoring one of the handful of husbands even more successful than they are). Both sides need to adjust expectations in completely new directions, and I don't see any signs it's going to happen soon on a large scale.
In the meantime, though, it's sure nice to be part of the handful of enlightened early-adopters who see how to solve that problem for our own households!
I very much enjoyed reading both the article and the comments. I am not saying that the study is incorrect, but whatever happened to marrying the man whom you fell in love with. Almost from the first kiss I kind of understood that there was something special about the guy who was to become my husband and father of my children. It wasn't about potential ability to earn money. It wasn't about status. He was simply the sweet college kid who made me smile. He was the one whom I wanted to hold hands with while walking in the park. He was the one whom I wanted to hug and be with. As the song more or less goes I would have married him if he was only a carpenter. He was actually an engineer and builder, but that didn't matter. Whatever else happens most of us still marry for love. Kathy