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Become a Coach

Do you have a passion for wife led marriage? Have you succeeded in taking the lead in your own marriage? Are you ready to share what you've learned with other women?

Unlike marriage counseling, coaching is a consultation with the wife, alone. As a wife led marriage coach you will become an adviser to the wife. Your primary focus will be her interests, goals, and perspectives on the marriage.

As a wife led marriage coach you will:

  • Help rescue troubled marriages.
  • Help career women become the breadwinners.
  • Help young women find, attract and marry househusbands.

Becoming a wife led marriage coach will mean going even deeper into what you may have already experienced and learned from transforming your own marriage. You'll learn the theory behind wife led marriage and you'll become an expert at helping other wives overcome challenges as they transform their own marriages. In the process you'll become even better at managing your own marriage.

If you are interested in learning how to become a wife led marriage coach, contact me:

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